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What is KiViTa?

KiViTa, or collaboration in language and communication teaching in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, offers courses in languages and communication, which can be taken by anyone studying or working at the higher education institutions of the region. The diverse course offerings focus particularly on Finnish and Swedish, multilingual science and professional communication, as well as less frequently taught languages. The courses are primarily organised flexibly as remote and web-based studies.
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Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Students of higher education institutions register for the courses in the Studyinfo system, while staff of the institutions register using electronic forms, available via links included in the course descriptions.

Project goals and participants

KiViTa is a collaborative project between four universities to expand language and communication teaching. In the project, Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, the University of the Arts Helsinki and the Hanken School of Economics are opening their teaching to all higher education institutions in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.

In the collaboration, the provision of language and communication teaching as well as pedagogical approaches will be developed, taking into consideration the needs of various fields of education and continuous learners. Through the project, higher education institutions will develop flexible hybrid and digital pedagogy that meets needs associated with continuous learning and future skills demand. The project, coordinated by Aalto University, will run until the end of 2024. 

The KiViTa project offers extensive learning opportunities at a time when both the amount of international talent and the student intake numbers of higher education institutions are growing considerably in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The increasing number of international staff and multicultural groups in foreign language teaching require the development and reform of language and communication studies at the higher education institutions of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. 

Extensive teaching offerings across the boundaries of higher education institutions improves their attractiveness in the eyes of international talent and supports the recruitment of international students and staff. The appropriate allocation of teaching resources also strengthens the national language reserve as well as increases language and communication skills. 

Contact information

Questions about courses for students?

Meri Karjalainen

Questions about completing individual courses?

Please reach out to the student services of the organising higher education institution or the course teacher (for contact details, see the course description).

Questions about staff training?

Leena Evesti

KiViTa courses

Opiskelijat kiinnittämässä papereita luokan taululle

KiViTa for personnel

Courses for staff

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